alt.chi paper ‘#CHIversity: Implications for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Campaigns’
In this alt.chi paper, we reflect on #CHIversity; a grassroots campaign highlighting feminist issues related to diversity and inclusion at CHI2017, and in HCI more widely. #CHIversity was operationalised through a number of activities including: collaborative cross-stitch and ‘zine’ making events; the development of a ‘Feminist CHI Programme’; and the use of a Twitter hashtag ‘#CHIversity’. These events granted insight into how diversity discourses are approached within the CHI community. From these recognitions we provide examples of how diversity and inclusion can be promoted at future SIGCHI events. These include fostering connections between attendees, discussing ‘polarizing’ research in a conservative political climate, and encouraging contributions to the growing body of HCI literature addressing feminisms and related subjects. Finally, we suggest how these approaches and benefits can translate to HCI events extending beyond CHI, where exclusion may routinely go undetected.