Meeting DotEveryone
A few weeks ago, Cassie Robinson, Strategic Design Director of Doteveryone, came up to Newcastle to talk about Doteveryone and a few other projects she is invovlved in at an Open Lab LabTalk. Doteveryone is “Fighting for a fairer internet” and believes that a “vibrant, inclusive digital society is as important as a thriving digital economy.” It sounds like a pretty cool initiative and they do some pretty amazing writing. For example, have a look at this Guardian article by Martha Lane Fox, the founder of Doteveryone, titled ‘Technology is a marvel – now let’s make it moral’. Or have a look at this fantastic Medium post titled ‘What if tech conferences don’t matter that much?’ written by Rachel Coldicutt that raises a few fantastic points about inclusivity at technology conferences (seriously, if you’re organising a conference, you *need* to read this!)
Anyway, Doteveryone sounds like a pretty cool place! So, when Angelika and Janis were down in London on Monday (3rd of July) they took the opportunity to meet up with Cassie!
After walking through what was a very warm and sunny London, we finally reached Somerset House where we met up with Doteveryone’s strategic design director. First we had a chat in a cafe about, our development of the Digital Economy Diversity Network, and the many different things Doteveryone are working on. After our little chat, we had a chance to visit the offices and to see the many cool posters, post-its, and diagrams that are hung on the walls. It was so lovely to see the office – it looked and felt like such a dynamic and personalised space!
We ended our chat with a reassurance that we should do something together. We’re not sure what exactly yet, but there is a lovely space for us to collaborate on something that I’m sure will end up being lovely.
You & @rachelcoldicutt should definitely chat with @fempowertech – I'll intro. 📧
— 🏳️🌈 (@CassieRobinson) July 3, 2017